Saturday, December 7, 2013

Suddenly last summer review

Suddenly Last Summer written by Tennessee Williams depicts an intricate tale of deceit and secrets that slowly unravels as the truth comes to light. A story about a man's death and the secrets he was hiding this story revolves around the living characters while still maintaining the presence of the deceased Sebastian in the background either through talk of him or by being in his beloved garden which becomes decrepit over time due to lack of care for the multiple types of plants present in the garden

This script gives the image of the rich doing whatever they please with the poor as shown by the revelation of where Sebastian was and what he was doing there. Sebastian was revealed to be a homosexual who would go on escapades and pay the poor to spend time with him. This was revealed by none other than Sebastian's cousin who tells the story of his demise. His mother refusing to believe this attempts to have Catherine lobotomized but it does not pan out in the end and the truth is revealed.

The picture above, from South Camden theatre productions, shows Ms Venable who was Sebastian's mother and doctor Sugar. Ms Venable can also be seen as one of the rich who treat the poor as less than human by the way she treats Ms Foxhill she is constantly mean to her and never expresses any gratitude for her servitude.

It can also be seen in this play how far some are willing to go to protect a reputation as seen throughout the play where Ms Venable does not want it leaked that her son was gay and even goes as far as to call it an attack on character that Sebastian is unable to defend himself from.

This play was a fairly good one although not one of my favorites it has many points that might even relate to how certain parts of the world still live and how certain people from certain economic classes may act.

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